Public Fairness AssessmentTM
Initiated by: M.D.

Should cryptocurrency be regulated as a security?

Public verdict: Yes
850 jurors voted to form this verdict and were awarded 17,000 RHU. Check your balance to see if you qualified. Log in
Parties has been invited to settle under the public verdict or make a counteroffer
1,547 total voters
How the public voted
850 votes
371 votes
326 votes
"Only if created to raise capital"
See who voted: 6 jury categories.View more

What happens next

Disputing parties will be invited to resolve the matter based on this public verdict. If the parties have agreed beforehand to use the results to arbitrate the case the verdict will be binding. If not, the results are nonbinding but can be used as input to guide further negotiation. Depending on the case, results may be distributed to other interested parties such as regulators and media.
These voters' recommendations earned them special RHUCoin rewards.

Cohaku maeda: Deploy a worldwide accreditation system. After submitting the application to each government, investment is started.

Erica Crosland: A cryptocurrency should not be regulated as a security unless it has the features and functions of a security. At the moment there are three types of tokens. Investment tokens (securities), utility tokens and currency tokens. Of these, only the investment token should be regulated as a security.

Sandra paul: Cryptocurrency should not be subjected to the same regulations as a security. It is a measure of value and should be treated as such