Public Fairness AssessmentTM
Initiated by: M.D.

Customer vs. Stack Creations, Bangalore, India

(Data purchase quality guarantee unmet)
Public verdict: Full refund of purchase price, $1,500
163 jurors voted to form this verdict and were awarded 3,260 RHU. Check your balance to see if you qualified. Log in
Parties has been invited to settle under the public verdict or make a counteroffer
Case description

Claimant's account: Customer says they had made two satisfactory list purchases of healthcare professionals from Stack Creations, then agreed in 2016 to a $1,500 purchase of company lists in several other industries. After examining a sample of the first data batch (automotive companies), customer found 36% of the sample was non-automotive, and requested a full refund based on the vendor’s 90% accuracy guarantee. Customer also offered to re-purchase cleaned lists from the vendor at the established cost-per-record, payable after inspection and approval of delivered data. Customer says Stack Creations refused to refund the purchase. Four months later the claimant withdrew these settlement terms and demanded damages in the amount of $78,000 for lost business and expected data cleanup costs.

365 total voters
How the public voted
163 votes
"Full refund of purchase price, $1,500"
147 votes
"Refund of purchase price plus damages to database, total $78,000"
55 votes
"No award / compensation to customer."
See who voted: 4 jury categories.View more

What happens next

Disputing parties will be invited to resolve the matter based on this public verdict. If the parties have agreed beforehand to use the results to arbitrate the case the verdict will be binding. If not, the results are nonbinding but can be used as input to guide further negotiation. Depending on the case, results may be distributed to other interested parties such as regulators and media.