Public Consensus OpinionTM
Initiated by: R.M.

Public verdict: No, most studies showed that it is NOT effective neither in prophylaxis nor in treatment of COVID-19 in addition to its severe side effects!
09 jurors voted to form this verdict and were awarded 180 RHU. Check your balance to see if you qualified. Log in
54 total voters
How the public voted
09 votes
"No, most studies showed that it is NOT effective neither in prophylaxis nor in treatment of COVID-19 in addition to its severe side effects!"
05 votes
"A study at the Columbia VA Health Care System at the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia found no benefit for hydroxychloroquine, instead there was a higher mortality rate in patients taking hydroxychloroquine."
04 votes
"YES, HCQ is PROVEN to work when given early in the infection process and when used prophylacticly by health care professionals and others at high risk. This information is being hidden in the US. It is extremely upsetting as it could have saved thousands and is cheap to use. Ask yourself - why did the African countries have such low numbers - Malaria. Malaria is treated with HCQ......Again research this issue outside the US - HCQ use is affective 90% of the time. Our pharmacy companies want the effectiveness of HCQ data hidden, others want it hidden and censored for other reasons, power and control. COVID has a .032% death rate, much lower than the common cold and flu. Why the world is reacting like it has and is when we have one of many proven and inexpensive treatments should raise some serious question with us all,"
02 votes
"HCQ should be used on SOS basis. Even though it may not be the most effective solution, it can help by controlling the medical situation."
01 votes
"Hydroxychloroquine is probably best kept for early use if coughing or other symptoms of Covid-19 present and a positive test is observed."
See who voted: 4 jury categories.View more

What happens next

Disputing parties will be invited to resolve the matter based on this public verdict. If the parties have agreed beforehand to use the results to arbitrate the case the verdict will be binding. If not, the results are nonbinding but can be used as input to guide further negotiation. Depending on the case, results may be distributed to other interested parties such as regulators and media.