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Public Fairness Assessment
(Tim Draper's Cal 3 initiative blocked by state Supreme Court)
Cal 3 / Proposition 9, a proposal to divide California into three new states, will not be on the ballot in November, 2018 due to intervention by the state Supreme Court. The initiative, which had nearly twice the number of signatures required, is a project of Silicon Valley capitalist Tim Draper. The court order denying ballot access said there were questions about Cal 3's validity and that there was more potential harm letting it stay on the November ballot than in delaying it for a future vote. Draper responded via Facebook, saying "Whether you agree of not with this initiative, this is not the way democracies are supposed to work."
  • The court acted in the best interests of Californians because it decided Cal 3's potential for damage outweighed the downside of making an exception to normal democratic process and deferring the people’s vote to a future election.
  • The court's action was justified because Cal 3 as worded made public approval tantamount to legislative approval, circumventing state representatives’ statutory role in the democratic process.
  • The court overreacted in denying the ballot to Cal 3 because a public vote in favor is still subject to the court’s own legal review and final approval by the U.S. Congress.
  • The court was wrong to prefer an unusual and anti-democratic action over popular vote.
  • California should consider other mechanisms for regional autonomy and authority to accomplish the goals of Cal 3, without the constitutional and logistical challenges of creating new states.
  • I'm not sure
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 15 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 150,000 RHU
Eligibility: 500 Lawyers member | Law student / intern | Lawyer / Attorney | Blockchain 500 | 500 VCs (venture and angel investors) | Journalist / Blogger | Non-California citizen | California citizen | Member of California State Assembly | Member of California State Senate | Legal Scholar
Poll opened: 31 Jul 2018
Poll closes: 16 Jul 2019
Current jury pool: 555
Status: Voting in progress
Public Consensus Prediction
stock exchange NVIDIA
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Financial Advisor / Planner / CFP | Insurance Broker / Agent | Investment Banker | Portfolio Manager | Stockbroker | Trader
Poll opened: 06 Apr 2023
Current jury pool: 3
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(W. C. vs. Tennova Healthcare North Knoxville Medical Center)
On 27 NOV 22, Wesley Crawford was taken to ER at Tennova North by his wife, Colleen. He was unresponsive and the Knox County firefighters assisted her in getting him to the car. ER personnel took him out of the car, but he couldn't answer their questions.

His wife told them she suspects it's food poisoning because only two people ate something served at a Thanksgiving dinner, and both people got sick.

More than 11 people tried to do life saving techniques on him but they gave up trying to get an IV started. They told Colleen it would take a specialist, but there was only one available who was serving all of Knoxville.

Wesley was left alone in the hallway of Tennova, right in front of the ER desk, dying from dehydration. Colleen recorded Wesley being left on a gurney.

The nurse assigned to him was offended that Colleen didn't know she was a nurse, and snapped at her when she asked when someone will be back to help him, and put an IV in. Wesley was throwing up, and Colleen was asking for help, but no one took care of him.

He was like this for hours before the specialist arrived to put in an IV but it blew out the vein shortly after, not getting any fluids, Wesley wasn't responding and no one was tending to him.

He was moved to a room in ER about the time the staff was changing shifts and a young nurse asked the older nurse how much fluid Wesley got. The older nurse was the one offended that Colleen mistook her for an aide and not a nurse. She couldn't answer the nurse's question about fluid, and there was an argument between the two.

The younger nurse went and got the ER doctor and showed Wesley's IV bag to him, and then both of them got angry at the older nurse. She couldn't tell them how much fluid was given to Wesley, so Colleen answered and told them just the top of the bag made it through the IV. The doctor was angry and so was the young nurse because Wesley's kidneys were shutting down from severe dehydration.

The young nurse opened 2 IVs at full speed and the three of them went out in the hallway disputing.

The older nurse told Colleen she was exhuasted and the hospital is short handed. Colleen asked the nurse if she brought her husband to the wrong hospital and the nurse responded all the hospitals were this way.

The staff was complaining in the halls that they were tired, unhappy, overworked and stressed. One of the nurses even asked Colleen if Wesley's employer was hiring!

Colleen and her sister kept telling the staff to check him for food poisoning, but the ER doctor said "impossible" and wouldn't order the tests. Instead, he kept ordering all kinds of other tests.

Colleen told him, and several of the staff treating Wesely that two people got sick and they were the only ones that ate a dish with tuna, mayo and a few ingredients, but he still wouldn't order food poisoning test.

Colleen told the staff they had to pay cash and couldn't afford all of these tests and she just wanted a food poisoning test done, but they wouldn't listen to her or her sister, whose daughter was the other person that got very sick.

People kept coming in to Wesely's room doing one test after the other, running up the bills. What Colleen was told was that Wesley's kidneys were shutting down, so they were just going to treat him using different atibiotics to see which one would work, all the while ignoring Colleen's request for a food poisoning test.

On the third day, they released Wesley, not knowing what was wrong with him, but the ER doctor said maybe it was food poisoning. He was still so sick that Colleen took him to the Anderson County Health Clinic, and they tested him for food poisoning.

Wesley had a very deadly food poisoning called shiga toxin, and this specifically targets the kidneys, but Tennova's arrogant ER doctor refused to test Wesley for food poisoning.

Colleen began disputing the hospital bills on 05 DEC 22 because of what the staff did in ER to run up the bills. An email was sent to the COO of Tenneva, Drew Grey, via a valid email: who then brought in Carol Lilly who used the email:

Carol took over communications, however, Colleen continued copying both of them in every email. The hospital reduced the amount of the bill considerably, but is refusing to turn over records that are needed for a lawsuit.

Colleen requested the ER videos and proof of testing for food poisoning.

Carol Lilly only responded back saying that there bills would be turned over to an in-house collection agency even though she approved a $25 / month payment. Upon research, Colleen learned that it is not an in-house agency, but rather a 3rd party bill collector who might file a hospital lien and ruin Wesley's credit.

Colleen wrote back to Carol telling her she lied about the in-house collection and that it would be a 3rd party debt collector and not Tennova. Colleen has been faithful in making the $25 payments but Carol is breaking the agreement.

She is also denying Colleen's request to see the proof that a food poisoning test was ordered. Colleen also asked for a breakdown of every contractor's bills and identify which of those bills is a result of food poisoning testing, and which are bills created by the ER doctor who was just guessing what might be wrong.

Colleen emailed Carol and Drew a copy of the test results that showed Wesley did indeed have food poisoning, in addition to c. diff. and has been asking for hospital records, but none have been provided.

On information and belief, no food poisoning tests were ordered and this is why they won't respond. Wesley and Colleen have 7 bills to pay. One is for Tennova, and 6 for contractors, but Tennova will not release itemized breakdown of the contractors.

There are several emails involved in this claim; and a video of Wesley being left unattended because Tennova's staff didn't know how to put an IV in a patient whose veins collasped because of severe hydration, so they left him alone for several hours while his kidneys shut down.
  • What we want is for the hospital to turn over the files we requested. We want them to break down all the bills, including the contractors they used, and identify which bills had to do with food poisoning, and which bills were created because the ER doctor refused to do the food poisoning test we requested. We want them to do away with all the bills they created, after we told them we couldn't afford the tests and we were just concerned about food poisoning. Right now, they won't prove to us they did a food poisoning test like we asked for, which appears to make them in error for running up our bills after we told them we have to pay cash and can't afford this.
  • No information or refund due (default option for Tennova Healthcare until they add one)
  • Hospital bill should be cleared, plus $2,000 compensation for suffering due to failure to diagnose and properly treat shiga toxin. (Resolution suggestion elevated by community voting.)
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | Mediator | Doctor (MD) | Hospital Administrator | Medical Claims Specialist
Poll opened: 06 Mar 2023
Current jury pool: 28
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Didgital Credit Union is totally INCOMPETENT, BEVER DO BUSINESS WITH THEM)
For years I have been paying my mortgage which automatically sent a payment to Digital Credit Union The in April of this year, they revamped their system which severed all the links between my mortgage company and them! I don’t directly pay them my mortgage company does via an impound account! All of a sudden they DCU start sending me late notices because they are not getting their payments because They’ve changed something!!!!! NOT me! Now because they are being scrutinized, they send me a letter saying” we’ve fixed our screw up, BUT if you’ll send us two months payments we’ll reverse our poor credit rating we assigned you because of OUR incompetence!
Are they Modi’s trying to extort multiple payments????
  • Yes
  • No
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | Judge
Poll opened: 28 Oct 2022
Current jury pool: 19
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
To seek for determination of apportionment of responsibility and penalty if applicable to resolve conflicts arise in a small construction project.
Project involves 12 activities (G1-G9 and D1-D3) in which 10 are delayed by either contractor or client. Please refer to the case study details at
  • (By As planned-As built method) - Notice of EOT: (d) = 9 days. - Contractor is indemnified with an amount of 50*(d) = 50*9 = 450 $. - Contractor is penalized with an amount of 300*(e) = 300*2 = 600 $.
  • (By As planned But for Contractor)- Notice of EOT: (a) = 4 days. - Contractor is indemnified with an amount of 50*(a) = 50*4 = 200 $. - Contractor is penalized with an amount of 300*(b) = 300*7 = 2,100 $.
  • (By As planned But for Employer)- Notice of EOT: (a) = 9 days. - Contractor is indemnified with an amount of 50*(b) = 50*9 = 450 $. - Contractor is penalized with an amount of 300*(a) = 300*2 = 600 $.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Builder
Poll opened: 10 May 2022
Poll closes: 31 May 2022
Current jury pool: 6
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Although this fact has been recognized by expert opinion mandated by Akzo Nobel, it refuses today to grant me financial compensation.)
Akzo Nobel advised me and sold me a product that destroyed the tiles of my roof. Although this fact has been recognized by expert opinion mandated by Akzo Nobel, it refuses today to grant me financial compensation.

Note: Pictures attached on PeopleClaim--link through to review
  • Compensation: participation in the repair of my roof tiles or the roof $22,000.00 + costs of claim $50 Total $22,050
  • Akzo Nobel has not suggested a fair resolution so default option for jury vote will be “No compensation due.”
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | Legal bloggers and media | Roofer | Coatings and chemicals experts
Poll opened: 09 May 2022
Current jury pool: 20
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
#1 Healthy Homes 365, 709 N. Glen I'll Dr. Unit 100 Richardson, TX 75081 469 640-6892
Product #1 Kool Blue Treatment: injected into to air conditioning fan on 06-26-21 and on 08-07-21 fan went out cost $525.00 with Air conditioning company.Was promised a refund by PHE never received.

Product #2 insulation claming NASA TECHNOLOGY to keep heat out, installed in attic.

From the beginnings I thought it was holding in the heat not repelling, WAS TOLD BY PHE (authorized dealer for Healthy Homes 365) would reduce heat, therefore saving on electric bill. When the fan went out I was left for three days without air conditioning (weekend, from Saturday morning to Monday night). The insulation was to keep the temperature down I believe they said by 75%. For the three days without air conditioning my temperatures were anywhere from 95 to 120 in my home during that weekend. Why didn't the insulation work? I had to wet towels and freeze them to keep from having a heat stroke. I asked for a complete refund and was refused by Premium Home Effficiency( Second company).
Product #3 EPS-365 system. Eco Probiotic System to keep allergies to a medium and dust down. My allergies have not changed and the dust is the same. After you signed the contract and install, then they tell you that you have to keep the air conditioner or fan or heating system on two to three days a week so the liquid juice they called it can go through the ducts. I live in the desert and I do not use the heater or fan in the winter time and now my electricity bill has gone up. $145.00 in June to $220.00 in July, 21, not including winters bill.For all three products I paid $11, 721 and $525.00 for fan going out a total of $12, 246.00.

Company #2 Premium Home Efficiency - Authorized dealer, 10840 Sandan Dr. ste A Dallas, Texas 866 480-4420 they Bought product from Healty Home 365- did sales, installation and maintenance:
#1 Product installed 06-26-2021 in about a month I could tell the insulation was not working, again it felt like it was holding in the heat not repelling it. My electric bill in 6-21 went from $145.00 to after installation for July to $220.00. Robbie told me well it could be from anything. I informed Robbie Wright that the products didn't work and wanted them taken out and a full refund and he said no.
on 08-07-21 the fan went out and cost me approximately $525.00 and Robbie Wright from Premium promised to reimburse me multiple times for the fan and send a team out to inspect fan to date never has.
#2 Maintenance- After the install not sure of date they sent a team out to inspect everything and discover that the EPS had used a years worth of liquid in a very short time. They told me I needed a new machine. A second team came out and said it was just the programming. I asked if in three months they could come out and make sure it was just programming. They never came and I asked multiple times. The system does not work like they promise, my electric bill went up from turning on the fan where I never used before. My allergies and the dust are the same never improved. When I asked about the allergies they said oh that's probably from going outside. Really
#3 I reported Premium to the BBB
Case #91633952
on 1-13-22. They never responded to them. Once they informed Robbie Wright of the complaint he calls me up and calls me a liar about four times. I asked what I lied about and he said we don't do windows. I said ok you don't do windows. I asked again and he couldn't tell me there was another lie. He threatened to sue me. Then in a second breath he promised to refund me for the fan and send out a team. This is March and he still didn't do it.
Premium Home Efficiently left out allot of details that should of been disclosed before contract was signed.
i want the products removed and a full refund plus for the air conditioning fan.

Premium Home Efficiency broke the contract agreement , did not disclose information or I would not brought. They give a Life Time Warranty but failed to honor it.« Show less
  • Full refund of $11,721 and $525.
  • No award / compensation to counterparty.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | General Contrator | Home Improvement Contractor
Poll opened: 09 Mar 2022
Poll closes: 06 Apr 2022
Current jury pool: 15
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
Now e-commerce is one of the most important types of trade and most people go to the electronic market and the size of the electronic market has become global, but it still faces some problems such as: There is no clear legalization to regulate the relationship between the seller, the buyer and the broker sometimes, and the nationality of the parties is different in addition to the difficulty of tracking its parties due to the restrictions and privacy conditions imposed by most websites. The multiplicity of product transmission links creates another problem in determining responsibility for theft or the time to return the price from 12 to 30 days and some e-shopping sites return the amount to the buyer's wallet that is on the same website and not return it to the bank account, which restricts the buyer's will in his money, and another problem in the face of e-marketing is the inability to impose taxes and customs on sales completely.

Opinions of experts

Dr. Abdul wahed Aldrawish:

1. Establishing insurance companies for websites

2. Determine a specific amount for purchase. If the amount increases, there are paper agreements or contact

Abdulaziz Alshnifi :

1. Identifying an international arbitration center
  • Establishing insurance companies for websites
  • Determine a specific amount for purchase. If the amount increases, there are paper agreements or contact
  • Identifying an international arbitration center
  • official document when registering as contract or proving the relationship and responsibility
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Law Professors | Lawyer / Attorney
Poll opened: 02 Feb 2022
Current jury pool: 21
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
You can be safe but not feel so; when crimes decreased, fear of crimes was still increasing.
  • I can feel safe when there are stricter gun laws; the thought of everyone having a gun terrifies me.
  • I can feel safe when I have my own gun; if there is a gun in every room, I fear nothing.
  • I can feel safe when I live outside of urban areas; the rural areas feel safer for me.
  • I can feel safe when I complete an active shooter drill; knowing what to do makes more confident and secure.
  • I can feel safe when I do not keep up with crime news; the media induces unreasonable fear in me.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of public – American | Member of public – not American
Poll opened: 25 Jan 2022
Poll closes: 24 Mar 2022
Current jury pool: 29
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Help please)
I would like my money back for this incident that started at Jiffy Lube and me was a claim and Progressive through Jennifer gross. The man who did this to replacement wasn't even supposed to be doing that job at Jiffy Lube at all nor after hours at 8:30 at night is when we finally got done four hours after I got there.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Arbitrator | Judge | Jury Expert | Law Professors | Law student / intern | Lawyer / Attorney | Legal bloggers and media | Litigation Funder | Paralegal | Auto Mechanic / Service Technician | Automotive Engineer
Poll opened: 20 Sep 2021
Poll closes: 11 Oct 2021
Current jury pool: 8
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Outright Screwup by SWEngines)
Their website says compression tested and steam cleaned. The engine I received was not compression tested before it was sent, and my mechanic (ASE certified) says that after the engine was turned over there was no compression. Not low compression, but no compression. I need my 1045 for the engine, and I also need the 3671 that I have paid so far for a person to install it. Dont lie and do your job. You wanted to do it, now own it. I have also spent 1570 in uber rides since the start of this issue.
  • Bad engine ($1045) plus installation ($3,671) plus cost of transportation for two and a half months ($1570) Total: $6,286
  • No compensation due - counterparty default option
  • Bad engine ($1045) plus installation ($3,671) - Total $4,716
  • SW Engines to inspect engine and repair as necessary (re-ring, grind valves etc..) SW Engines to reinstall if necessary. SW Engines to negotiate compensation for the inconvenience.
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | Law student / intern | Auto Mechanic / Service Technician
Poll opened: 19 May 2021
Current jury pool: 31
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(CA State Sen. Mike McGuire Will Do Anything to Avoid Meeting with His Constituents. Especially If They’re Victims of Abuse.)
All I have asked for is a brief moment of your time to ask for your help because I was mistreated by law enforcement and medical staff in your district, and you have repeatedly refused to even have staff pick up the phone and respond to me. When I made my first claim, your staffer hung up on me while I was talking. You automatically say that you can’t do anything to help me yet you know nothing about my case, and you won’t take the time to have me explain it to you.

You’re ableist and part of the problem with policing and a failed mental health system in California. I desperately need help from you and you insist on having your staffers mistreat me and tell me there's absolutely nothing that can be done, instead of getting involved yourself and looking for solutions. Why are you even in public service if you're going to behave this way toward a vulnerable consistuent?
  • Virtual meeting 30 minutes
  • No compensation due (counterparty's default option)
  • 15 minute virtual meeting with Senator McGuire or 30 minutes with an aide; claimant to add written precis of the issue.
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | Psychologist | Social Advocate
Poll opened: 18 May 2021
Current jury pool: 32
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
I entered Conn's and was really impressed with the salesperson and I picked out appliances to help my daughter that had just purchased a new home. I purchase a refrigerator, washer, and dryer.

Once I realized the refrigerator that I purchased was too big for the kitchen, I used the money to purchase two 65-inch Sony Televisions. Everything seemed good.

Then my nightmare started. The washer that was delivered and installed did not work. It would be serval days before iI would receive another washer. Ok things happen. One of the 65-inch Sony Television where installed with no problems. The picture was beautiful. The second television was installed on the wall and plugged in. On the left-hand side middle of the way down 3 lights displayed on the screen. The installer took a picture of the TV on the wall and then took it down put it back in the box that it came in.

I went to the store where I purchased the TV. I spoke to the manager. He told me there was nothing they could do. He gave me a number to call. I went to my car and called the number. I had to talk to several people before I spoke with someone who was able to help me. I spoke with this person for about an hour and a half explaining what happened. He asks me to send him the pictures of the TV. I did. Finally, I heard back from Conn's. They told me once again that there was nothing they can do and advised me to go back to the store so I did.

Once again they told me there was nothing they could do because the TV was shipped from the warehouse that was about an hour and a half away. They then gave me a number to call the warehouse manager. I spoke with the warehouse manager and sent him the pictures of the TV. He said would get back to me. He never did. I finally gave him a call back and he said once again there was nothing he could do and told me to go back to the store. So was again I go back to the store and spoke with another manager. Once again because they have pictures of the delivery guys taking the TV out of the box. BY this time I am very unhappy, disgusted, unappreciated, and angry.

By now my blood pressure is rising so I was told by my doctor to settle down. I spoke to a TV repairman and he stated to me that the cost to repair this TV would be the cost of buying a new TV. I called Conn's again this time someone finally took a report. Days later I get an e-mail stating that they would no be able to exchange the merchandise at this time because the delivery took the TV out of the box and it was not damaged. OK but when the delivery guys Dropped the TV back in the box the damage must have occurred because I did not. So as of now, I paid $800.00 plus for a box with a worthless Television in it. I work too hard to make an honest living to own nice things, Conn's is trying to take that away from me.

I do not think that this is fair and nor should I have to hire an attorney to resolve this simple matter. Where is this company believe in people? This has been very stressful, tiresome, and the worst experience I have ever had in purchasing anything
  • Replace TV
  • Refund cost of TV
  • Conn's Inc. should make a fair offer to resolve this complaint
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Customer Service Representative | Store Manager
Poll opened: 04 Mar 2021
Current jury pool: 42
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
Per my PeopleClaim 6758088
I had a partial knee replacement done on September 24th 2019 right knee. The Doctor was Kurt Dwight Merkel. Over a period of time went to see Doctor Kurt Merkel about my knee, on January 8th 2020 it was really getting larger. Told me it was okay. Still it was worse, went again on February 24th 2020 Doctor Merkel looked at it again, told me the same thing. Doctor Kurt Merkel had his assistant & look at it. 

His nurse Bill Andell told me he did not have time for this. Sent a letter to Doctor Kurt Merkel about his rude matter. Over a period of time went to see Doctor Matthew Bradley about my situation. On December 9 2020 he took a sample of fluid from my leg. The report came, it was infected over a year. Had to get my leg operated on Dec 15 2020. 

Refusal to treat patient in a timely matter. Poor bedside manner. Patient neglect at health center. Rude or unprofessional behavior. Negligence. Denial of care. My theory is if Bill Andel nurse Doctor Kurt Merkel assistant would have looked at my knee as ordered by the doctor I could have not got the infection that long..
  • $50,000
  • No award / compensation to counterparty.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Arbitrator | Lawyer / Attorney | Knee surgeon
Poll opened: 12 Feb 2021
Poll closes: 18 Feb 2021
Current jury pool: 52
Status: Voting in progress
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public
Poll opened: 03 Feb 2021
Poll closes: 24 Feb 2021
Current jury pool: 11
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
The alternator on my 2006 Dodge Charger failed on or about January 16, 2019. "Wrench" was hired to replace the failed alternator on or about January 18, 2019 - Job Number 26959. The service was excellent and the alternator was replaced. I was billed for:

Labor x 1.25 hrs @ $137.50
(Part) ULR-R110109B x 1 $288.71

Total: $426.21

20% off your first Wrench service $ -85.24

At total charged to my Visa with tax was $360.63.

This new alternator that was installed by "Wrench", failed on July 1, 2020. I contacted "wrench" and was given information about the store at which the part was purchased and the part number. I was also assured that the alternator that had been replace was a NEW alternator.

The located the exact part, with the assistance of the personnel at O'REILLY'S auto parts. I was told that the part in question had a limited lifetime warranty, but if the mechanic who installed it, paid for it, than he would own the warranty. The attendant also said that the cost of the alternator was $158.99 plus a $56 core charge. Meaning that when the mechanic returned my failed alternator, he was refunded the $56 charge, making the alternator cost $158.99.

I proceeded to change the alternator my self and as I had been informed by O'REILLY'S prior found the alternator was "REMANUFACTURED IN MEXICO" and not new as Cassandra assured me an July 20, 2020.

In summary: I was charged and pay $288.72 for a NEW alternator. However, a REMANUFACTURED alternator that cost with tax $158.99 was installed by "Wrench" on my automobile.

This matter has cost me personal time and effort associated with researching this issue and has cost me time and effort in replacing the alternator on my car. Wrench also over charged me $129.73 for the alternator they did install.


I would like to amend the amount of the claim to include $50.00 for the cost of resolution of this matter. The total amount requested from "Wrench" to resolve this claim: $450.00 firm.

Wrench offered to send another technician out and if the alternator they had installed was under warranty (which they own), they would not charge me for the part, they would only charge me for the labor ($150+). Let us project into the future 18 months. The alternator, again fails, and I have to spend another $150 plus to replace the alternator, again. Then another 18 months goes by and the alternator fails again... and so forth.

Any halfway intelligent person would see this as scam. If Wrench had replaced my alternator with a new alternator as the price they charged me would indicate, I would not have to pay $150+ to Wrench to keep my car that has 266000 miles on it running. It doesn't make financial since.

I will return the failed alternator to Wrench if they will drop by and pick it up. They own the unlimited lifetime warranty on the part. They are able to take the part back to O'Reilly's auto parts store and receive a replacement new remanufactured alternator at no charge. Install this alternator on another customers car, charge $288 for the part, as they did me, and the fee for installing. Wrench, would, therefore not be out any money and neither would I. I feel this is a win-win solution to this problem for both parties, without either party losing any money.
  • "Wrench" refund the amount they charged my for the rebuilt alternator, plus pay for my time replacing the bad part plus time, effort, research and cost incurred by the resolution of this matter. Total $450.00. "Wrench" may pickup previously installed bad part and take advantage of the parts "limited lifetime warranty which they already own.
  • "Wrench" refund total amount charged but cost plus pay for my time replacing the bad part plus time, effort, research and cost incurred by the resolution of this matter. Total $473.00. "Wrench" may pickup previously installed bad part and take advantage of the parts "limited lifetime warranty which they already own.
  • "Wrench" pay any other amount, which may include punitive damages for misrepresenting the the quality of the part installed, that is fair and equatable to resolve this matter.
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Arbitrator | Judge | Law student / intern | Lawyer / Attorney | Legal bloggers and media | Mediator | Auto Mechanic / Service Technician | Customer Service Representative | Store Manager
Poll opened: 04 Dec 2020
Poll closes: 05 Dec 2020
Current jury pool: 39
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(I was working 14 hour days 7 days a week...I only received compensation for 40 hours a week.)
I was wondering who I would contact to make a written complaint about a position I took as a field organizer for MRP. I was very excited to promote for Trump. The problem I had with them is, I was working 14 hour days 7 days a week. ( I’m not making this up, really I had no time to eat, drink or rest.) Clearly I did not have breaks.

Although, I only received compensation for 40 hours a week. How they got me in the first place is because I was lied to. I only was there a short time, but while I was there, I was top in my region for voter contact. My phone did not stop ringing ALL day until 10:30 at night. They called me every three hours, plus we have a morning conference call at 8am and sometimes durning the day, but always every night at 9:15-10:30pm. I have worked in many positions and have NEVER been treated like a “dog” in my life. The way Tyson and Chris talk to us on the phone was awful. I always put it on speaker so my family would hear them going off. They made men and woman cry daily. I can tell you in the short time I was there, at least 7-8 people quit because it was overwhelming and stressful. The pressure that was put on us was insane.

I am deeply disappointed in how disrespectful and belittling “they” are. It has gave me a new view of the MRP and I hope to change my view with some much needed attention to this office. I really don’t want to come out in the open about the shady crap they are pulling, but I will if need be.

I also would love to represent the Trump campaign in a different light and I KNOW I can do this! This office needs a clean sweep and someone to take control that is not about abusing their power, but someone that has compassion for their employees as much as their community. I have been in bed for two days because of my mental well-being. I have never been at my breaking point because of a job. I feel that they owe me for my time, miles and reimbursement from the events that were planned and I paid for.
  • Non payment for the high demand and hours put in: $4,520.00 + Miles on my car: $1,200.00 = $5,720.00
  • No response from MI GOP - default counteroffer = “No compensation due.”
  • Federal and Michigan laws mandate time and a half for hours worked over 40, unless employee is exempt (this type of work is not). Claimant should add days and hours worked. MI GOP should pay 1.5 times hourly wage for each hour in excess of 40.
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Human Resources Manager
Poll opened: 15 Oct 2020
Current jury pool: 55
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(My ReliaCard has been locked more than it's been useable. I've now gone more than $1,000 in the hole.)
I have had nothing but trouble with ReliaCard since the end of July when I recived my card. My card has been locked more than it's been useable. I have called this second time every day for 3 weeks. I have faxed every single doc they ask me to which is different everyday. I'm always being told something different by everyone I talk to. I've been given wrong numbers to fax to.

I have now gone over a 1000 dollars in the hole because of this. I am being charged 25 a day from my landlord for not being able to pay, I haven't eaten in days, my electric is off, and I'm out of my heart meds and can't refile. I had 2 heart attacks in the last year. I need my meds. It's hot and I cant go anywhere cuz I have no gas. My phone will be shut off any day now too. I have to pay a reconnect fee and deposit now for my electric to be turned on and my cable will charge me to turn it back on as well. I have never seen such a horrible no caring company in my life. No empathy whatsoever.

If you can look at my account u can see from day one this has been a problem. This can't continue. I've 'spent several hours every single day on the phone trying begging to release my card. I have complied to their demands and yet I'm still in the dark and hot and hungry. I need help!
  • 25 late fee for no payment of rent. Reconect fees for electric and cable. Goung without food for days or electric and most if all my heart meds. $1,000 Total
  • $1,000 reimbursement for expenses above plus investigation into frequent errors
  • No compensation due. (Counterparty default option)
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | Blogger | News Reporter | State/Federal government benefits experts
Poll opened: 05 Oct 2020
Poll closes: 07 Oct 2020
Current jury pool: 51
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
I went to a 3-day Real Estate workshop with Real Estate Elevated. I signed up for services to make money in real estate. In all, I spent over $26,297. I did not receive the services that were promised. I would like a refund for the money I spent. This occurred in June 17th 2018 . The company stopped calling me when I reached out to them.
  • In my opinion HGTV stars Tarek and Christina El-Moussa should be required to dig into their own pockets to PARTIALLY refund you. Celebrities who enable predatory business models like the Zurixx real estate seminars (now shut down by the FTC and state of Utah) should bear some responsibility for the victims' losses, I emphasize that this is not current law. It's a matter of what is right.
  • There's lack of information to make a decisive solution but from what is given, full refund on valid receipts as proof sounds fair.
  • Seems to be a clear case of customer not receiving what they paid for. Can It be any other way? Full refund
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | Lawyer / Attorney | Mediator | Real Estate Agent
Poll opened: 11 Aug 2020
Poll closes: 15 Aug 2020
Current jury pool: 47
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
Frank Andres- The Giveaway Guy, unfairly blocked my access to over 200 digital products and software, citing a breach of his websites policies and in the process denied me ALL the commissions owed to me.

I want 100% access to my products, unimpeded. Or a full refund for every product I ever bought stemming back 3+ years. and I want my commissions owed to me.
  • 100% access to my products, unimpeded and I want my commissions owed to me.
  • A full refund for every product I ever bought stemming back 3+ years. and I want my commissions owed to me.
  • 100% refund on every $5 Friday promotion I ever bought from him. Meaning ALL front end + any O.T.O.'s. + the commissions he owes me. Products purchased over 3+ years= $915 Commissions Owed = $100 Lost Revenue since last October = $1000 Money I've spent to have this matter resolved = $115 -------------------------------------------------------- Total $2130 U.S.D
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 250 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Mediator
Poll opened: 11 Aug 2020
Current jury pool: 58
Status: Voting in progress
Public Consensus Opinion
Voting options
  • A blockchain jury of 100 independent auto mechanics
  • A blockchain jury of 100 consumers
  • A mixed blockchain jury of 50 consumers and 50 independent auto mechanics
  • The traditional legal system
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 5 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | Blockchain 500 | 500 Mechanics member | 500 VCs (venture and angel investors) | Business owner | Legal Professional | Media / bloggers
Poll opened: 23 Jul 2020
Poll closes: 25 Jul 2020
Current jury pool: 76
Status: Voting in progress
Public Consensus Opinion
Single-use plastic includes products such as straws, bags, and bottles; pretty much any plastic item that’s made for temporary use. Although we might not think much of it when we buy bottles of our favorite drink or ask for plastic bags when we’re in the checkout line at the grocery store, these choices have a serious impact on the health of our planet and ourselves.

This material involves the usage of a large amount of fossil fuels, namely crude oil, for creation and transportation. Just the manufacturing process of plastic is a huge source of pollution to the environment.

Single-use plastic doesn’t biodegrade, ever. Instead, it breaks apart into smaller pieces, never truly deteriorating. With 30 million tons of plastic discarded each year in America, there’s hardly a single place on earth that doesn’t know the touch of single-use plastic.
  • Yes. Single-use plastic should be banned, including it's production and usage.
  • Yes, but first someone need to find out the alternative to it.
  • Governments across the world should create a strict policy on how they are going to do single-use plastic waste management without affecting the environment.
  • No.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 1,500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | Doctor (MD) | Blogger | Editor | News Anchor | Veterinarian
Poll opened: 01 Oct 2019
Poll closes: 31 Oct 2019
Current jury pool: 76
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
I was unloading a Southeastern freight lines truck. When I started I smelled something, and the driver thought it was a water-tested canoe, but further into the truck we found out it was a pallet of Roundup. That was approx. 45-60 mins. into the unloading. After breathing the fumes I had a raw throat and had issues with my breathing. I went to the comp. doctor and found out my lungs were burnt along with my throat. After 2 years of seeing the doctors, I was told that I had a 50-50 chance of healing. I also have the chance of getting asthma, which I did, and I also got MAC disease which is from my lungs not healing completely. I have to take 3 different antibiotics for the rest of my life to be sure I don't die from this disease!

I have lost wages from the time I miss work due to illness and medical bills that I am not able to pay plus other bills that have fallen behind due to lost time at work.

Doctor’s notes: "Baseline incurable pulmonary infection with intermittent flares of acute illness."
I have lost my immune system and been sick more than normal and have lost wages due to this illness.

Due to the injury and after effects of this I am not able to get long-term or short-term disability insurance.

The disease has not changed from last year but the medication has put a strain on my heart so now I need to see a heart specialist. Still missing work due to illness, but make too much for SSD.
  • $422,000 damages, wages, medical to date, plus future losses TBD
  • $2 million for lifetime damages, lost wages, medical expenses
  • Monsanto should agree to negotiate settlement according to the formula used by lawyers to calculate lifetime damages and lost earnings.
  • Monsanto and Southeastern Freight Lines should split the cost of lifetime health and earnings compensation to the victim, if the Roundup spill is established as a reasonable and likely cause of permanent lung damage and infection.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 1,500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | Arbitrator | Law Professors | Lawyer / Attorney | Mediator
Poll opened: 10 May 2019
Poll closes: 30 Jun 2019
Current jury pool: 141
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Special needs child and mom with MS fighting for 1 full year to be properly credited, now with health affected stress)
"My son was awarded a grant from Achieva Family Trust in Pittsburgh PA because he has autism to cover the price of vitamins and supplements he takes for 2 years. He is under the care of one of Pittsburgh's leading and world renown developmental pediatricians. The doctor is often very booked up so our appointments can be scattered months apart. He told me what supplements to order for my son, by the next time I saw him, I said I had placed the order (paid for by Achieva Family Trust) through Amazon.

He was extremely concerned and advised me to never ever order anything vitamins or anything you consume from Amazon because he was almost certain that the integrity of products had been compromised in a trade deal with China. I was so upset to hear this because by this time, my son had been taking these things for about 3 months. I stopped giving my son (5) the items from Amazon immediately, and sent them back.

There were many orders issued separately with various order numbers. I returned them in a box with copies of my order numbers, but also took a pic of the opened box before I sealed it, and I took a pic of the UPS return label for my records.

Amazon has only credited back for the Culturelly (137). They have not credited back for the fish oil, melatonin, or cal mag zinc supplement which should be around $700. It has literally been 1 full year of me fighting to get credited back to Achieva's account, so I can then have the items ordered again, but this time, direct from the vitamins manufacturers, NEVER AGAIN FROM AMAZON.

I call Amazon, or talk to reps via chat and am on with them no less than 1 hour. They finally claim to see my issue, they can see the photos I've sent, confirmation, but then at the end, they tell me because Achieva paid for the items, for security, they have to speak to someone from Achieva. I explain this to reps at Achieva (Jennifer Stover). She told me she called them, and was told there is nothing to credit.

How can I be told one thing by Amazon, they are ready to issue the credit but just need Achieva to verify the account for security, then when (IF) achieva calls, nothing!

I myself have Multiple Sclerosis and dealing with this nightmare over the past year has been beyond stressful, aggrevating and to me is illegal. My CHILD was taking what may have been a fake placebo. I do not want to be a whistleblower but what else is a mother to do?? I just want what my son is entitled to, and now because of this nightmare, I do want pain and suffering for the hours I have spent trying to get this resolved over the past year."
  • 10,700, $10,000 settlement is for mother living with multiple sclerosis having dealt with this back and forth with amazon online, on the phone explaining, and emailing, repeating the same issue, causing emotional distress, which can lead to an MS flareup, plus $700 the missing amount of supplements returned that were never credited on sons behalf
  • $5000 settlement for the products and pain, suffering, and emotional distress
  • $1000, horrilble customer service being given to an amazon customer (since 2005), plus missing product credit worth.
  • Amazon should refund the full cost of all unopened supplements that were returned per whatever return policy they have. However, it doesn't owe you for any that your son had been using. If you go to Shake Shack and eat a burger, you can't then ask for a refund on the grounds that "someone told me it was really meat from Burger King." If you had the supplements tested and found they were fake, then, and only then, you would have a case.
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 1,500 RHU
Eligibility: 500 Lawyers member | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Law Professors | Lawyer / Attorney
Poll opened: 31 Mar 2019
Poll closes: 06 Apr 2019
Current jury pool: 128
Status: Voting in progress
Public Consensus Opinion
1- Is it important for you to have active engagement in your cases? 2- To be just as much a part of your case as your lawyer is? 3- An attorney who works as your partner and shares knowledge.
  • Yes, I believe lawyers know the law indeed, but you know my matter and my market better.
  • No, I want to delegate my matter(s) and only be distrubed when truly necessary.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 1,500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Tech Leaders member | Business owner | Members of the public, age 18 + | PeopleClaim online mediators | Possible plaintiff
Poll opened: 16 Mar 2019
Poll closes: 13 Apr 2019
Current jury pool: 121
Status: Voting in progress
Public Consensus Opinion
Assuming a law firm has the components of what makes it a desirable firm - experience, tech savy, knowledge, billing transparency, and it had a service delivery feature "Interactive Client Dashboard." A dashboard, your unique username and password where:
- your law firm and you could Share files, collaborate on documents, manage approvals, and keep projects on track.
- information was at your finger tips, such as how much you have paid the lawyer in a determined period, or particular matter was segmented from the judgments you won, or contracts you signed.
- If you can leave a message, a comment for your lawyer to read next. If you could know when was the last time your lawyer opened your file? or read the document revisions you made?
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 1,500 RHU
Eligibility: Developer | General Contrator | Store Owner | Cryptocurrency Investor | 500 Blockchain Leaders | In-House Lawyers | Corporate Counsel | Chief Executive Officers
Poll opened: 16 Mar 2019
Current jury pool: 50
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Purchased rebuilt engine with 12 month/12,000 mile warranty. Less than 2,500 miles and 3 months later engine is defective.. Warranty is useless.)
Purchased rebuilt engine from Mabbco on 8/17/2018. Mabbco states 12 month/12,000 mile warranty. Engine was installed by Stanford Motors, Vernon, AL.

Less than 2,500 miles and 3 months later engine is defective. Local Chrysler dealership says camshaft is worn away. Engine is not road worthy. Top speed about 35 MPH.

Made multiple attempts to reconcile with Mabbco for repair. Mr. Byron Moore, President, says they cannot pay for repair unless at their shop. This makes the warranty useless. Also he makes disclaimer of camshaft warranty, along with any other parts, including the engine itself.

Basically, engine is sold "as is", even though a 12 month/ 12,000 mile warranty is stated both as advertising and sales incentive.

Mabbco now blocks my emails.

While at first I was satisfied with just repair of the camshaft, now I want nothing to do with Mabbco. Require my full payment of $2,045 back plus expenses to ship engine back and my costs of dealing with this unprofessional, fraudulent company.

Also, I would be interested in others who have had similar problems with Mabbco contacting me.

Unfair practice - Believe that Mabbco's disclaimer of implied warranties and disclaimer of warranty of mechantability is both unethical and illegal. Also believe Mabbcos statement of 12 month/ 12,000 mile warranty is misrepresentation and fraudulent advertising.

Warranty problem - Engine does not work. Stanford Motors and I followed installation and break in procedures to the letter.
  • Refund cost of engine plus cost of installation and removal, diagnosis, repairs, shipping, fees, my time - total $6,890.96
  • Offer repair ex gratia to accept responsibility.
  • MABBCO should pay for repair of the defective engine in Alabama by a reputable mechanic. MABBCO states on its website that it ships "coast to coast." Given that its customary business is long distance, it is in my opinion deceptive at best to offer a warranty that would require the engine to be removed, re-shipped both ways, and re-installed. Such a warranty is useless, as it would be cost-prohibitive to actually use it. I sympathize with the claimant's feelings, but I think repair near the claimant's home is a more reasonable solution.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 7,500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Arbitrator | Law student / intern | Lawyer / Attorney | Mediator | Auto Mechanic / Service Technician | Automotive blogger /journalist
Poll opened: 27 Jan 2019
Poll closes: 29 Jan 2019
Current jury pool: 118
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Access to our Entire 1/2 acre Property)
We purchased a property in February 2018. We contracted with First American Title Insurance Company to insure access to all of our property (as per their contract). However, after purchasing the property we learned that we do not have access to all of our 1/2 acre property. We have a large 40 foot bus and a large 24 foot trailer and a large 10 foot box truck that we could not get into or out of our back yard - due to a legal issue that we were not made aware of by First American Title Insurance Company (FATIC). After filing a claim with FATIC, they informed us that they knew about a License Agreement that was in place with previous owners. We received notice from Habitat for Humanity that this License Agreement was cancelled just months after we purchased the property. We had no access to our 1/2 acre property until we did some major remodeling to our property, at a substantial cost of close to $50,000. I hired and attorney who filed complaints and responses to First American Title Company - and they denied the claim. They need to reimburse me for the access amount of $50,000, or they need to reimburse me for the entire property $329,000. I have several photos, I have several documents to validate my claim.
  • The sellers and the title company (FATIC) both failed to disclose a known problem. They should agree to split the cost of remedying the problem and reimburse the buyer.
  • If at the conclusion of the contract you knew about the restrictions, then you will not pay anything. If facts are hidden from you, then you are entitled to a compensation of $ 50,000.
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 7,500 RHU
Eligibility: 500 Lawyers member | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Arbitrator | Judge | Jury Expert | Law Professors | Law student / intern
Poll opened: 13 Dec 2018
Current jury pool: 96
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
Who would purchase a product or service & not know the cost? That's exactly what Home Advisor wants me to do. Home Advisor offers what they refer to as opportunity leads, we have a option to to accept or decline a lead. Previously they would post the price of the lead before we would accept a lead. Presently we must accept the lead without knowing the cost.
Just a little background on Home Advisor they are currently being sued in a class action law suit for fraud by Chimicles & Tikellis attorneys at law. Phone # 1-866-399-2487
AR James Contracting
Sussex NJ. 07461
  • $500.00 Refund
  • No award / compensation to counterparty.
View case on PeopleClaim
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 7,500 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | Legal Professional | Home Owner | Real Estate Agent | Consumer / citizen | Home Improvement Contractor
Poll opened: 06 Dec 2018
Current jury pool: 154
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
A proposed New York State Legislature bill (S9191) would require people seeking or renewing handgun licenses to submit to police review of their search engine history and social media accounts. Applicants would have to hand over all account login credentials.
  • For any activity that is a privilege rather than a right.
  • For gun ownership, because the public risks are high.
  • Only non-citizens should be subject to such searches.
  • Only convicted felons should be subject to such searches.
  • Only convicted felons and people with a history of mental illness or domestic violence should be subject to such searches.
  • Only anyone with a diagnosis of mental illnessor a confirmed history of drug abuse should be subject to such searches.
  • None. It violates privacy rights and constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.
  • By Court order only, with Probable cause.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 15,000 RHU
Eligibility: Member of the public | 500 Lawyers member | ADR Professional (Alternative Dispute Resolution) | Law student / intern | Lawyer / Attorney | Privacy advocates
Poll opened: 25 Nov 2018
Poll closes: 21 Jan 2019
Current jury pool: 207
Status: Voting in progress
Public Fairness Assessment
(Thought leaders weigh in on how to fix Facebook)
Voting options
  • Reduce anonymity. Require real verification with goal of 100% user verification.
  • Open the Facebook platform to independent research of user behavior and use of advertiser tools.
  • Allow users the choice to sort their news feeds chronologically rather than Facebook’s algorithmically-sorted feed.
  • Offer users a paid option in exchange for greater control over data.
  • Require Facebook and other online platforms to be considered “information fiduciaries” with a legal duty to protect their users’ information.
  • Convert Facebook to a blockchain-based liquid democracy where users vote directly or by proxy on all privacy and governance matters. Distribute 10% of revenues to users based on years of active membership.
  • Do nothing; let the market decide.
RHUCoin reward
Vote: 15 RHU
Consensus bonus: 20 RHU
Total RHUCoin pool: 75,000 RHU
Eligibility: Venture Capitalist (VC) | Legal Professional | Journalist / Blogger | Regulator / Legislator | Technologist | Facebook user | 500 Lawyers member | 500 Tech Leaders member
Poll opened: 18 Apr 2018
Poll closes: 05 Jun 2018
Current jury pool: 4172
Status: Voting in progress
Should we help ordinary Russians survive Putin’s war financially—and if so, how?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 08 Mar 2022
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 34
Total RHUCoin awarded: 170 RHU
Status: Closed
Situation between Russia and Ukraine: the role of other countries in reforming the situation
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 23 Feb 2022
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 20
Total RHUCoin awarded: 100 RHU
Status: Closed
Bitcoin price for 2022?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 16 Feb 2022
Poll closed on: 03 Oct 2024
Voters: 14
Total RHUCoin awarded: 70 RHU
Status: Closed
Bad business with Prescription Hope
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 05 Nov 2021
Poll closed on: 05 Apr 2022
Voters: 9
Total RHUCoin awarded: 45 RHU
Status: Closed
I have blood in my stool and urine and they refuse to book my appointment after repeated calls!!
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 18 Aug 2021
Poll closed on: 22 Oct 2021
Voters: 25
Total RHUCoin awarded: 125 RHU
Status: Closed
ServiceMagic (now HomeAdvisor) changed my business telephone number and put their business phone with my business name on the internet
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 07 Apr 2021
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 39
Total RHUCoin awarded: 190 RHU
Status: Closed
What do we do with college students during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 16 Aug 2020
Poll closed on: 16 Sep 2021
Voters: 58
Total RHUCoin awarded: 290 RHU
Status: Closed
Most effective early treatments/prophylaxes for COVID-19
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 12 Aug 2020
Poll closed on: 22 Oct 2021
Voters: 48
Total RHUCoin awarded: 235 RHU
Status: Closed
Is early use of hydroxychloroquine for COVID-19 in healthy people a good idea?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 04 Aug 2020
Poll closed on: 22 Oct 2021
Voters: 54
Total RHUCoin awarded: 140 RHU
Status: Closed
DevaCurl (Deva Concepts LLC) still hasn't refunded me for the product I returned in MARCH because it made my hair fall out
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 03 Aug 2020
Poll closed on: 18 Feb 2021
Voters: 62
Total RHUCoin awarded: 310 RHU
Status: Closed
Is Hillstone Restaurant Group, which includes Houston's, Hillstone, and R+D Kitchen, the worst company in America?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 06 May 2020
Poll closed on: 21 Aug 2020
Voters: 55
Total RHUCoin awarded: 790 RHU
Status: Closed
Business heroes of coronavirus COVID-19: Which business has done the most to help?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 31 Mar 2020
Poll closed on: 18 May 2021
Voters: 124
Total RHUCoin awarded: 620 RHU
Status: Closed
How will COVID-19 change how we do things in the future?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 30 Mar 2020
Poll closed on: 18 May 2021
Voters: 63
Total RHUCoin awarded: 315 RHU
Status: Closed
Did President Trump obstruct justice?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 07 May 2019
Poll closed on: 18 Feb 2021
Voters: 138
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,200 RHU
Status: Closed
RW vs. ADT Security Systems Inc.
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 30 Apr 2019
Poll closed on: 09 Sep 2019
Voters: 100
Total RHUCoin awarded: 2,320 RHU
Status: Closed
What will be the Stellar price be on January 1st, 2020 ?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 28 Apr 2019
Poll closed on: 21 Aug 2020
Voters: 91
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,755 RHU
Status: Closed
Wounded Veteran and Customer VS Westland AutoSales
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 30 Mar 2019
Poll closed on: 26 May 2021
Voters: 69
Total RHUCoin awarded: 705 RHU
Status: Closed
What will the price of Bitcoin be in January, 2020?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 30 Mar 2019
Poll closed on: 21 Aug 2020
Voters: 160
Total RHUCoin awarded: 4,030 RHU
Status: Closed
NRA/Second Amendment vs. The Right of American Children to Live
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 28 Mar 2019
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 81
Total RHUCoin awarded: 800 RHU
Status: Closed
What is the best solution to America's healthcare cost crisis?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 27 Mar 2019
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 116
Total RHUCoin awarded: 790 RHU
Status: Closed
Phone owner vs robocalling National Health Agents
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 01 Jan 2019
Poll closed on: 13 Oct 2020
Voters: 175
Total RHUCoin awarded: 2,755 RHU
Status: Closed
Taken for a ride due to the fact that I recently had surgery and was recovering. Took advantage of my situation-illness.
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 29 Dec 2018
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 101
Total RHUCoin awarded: 645 RHU
Status: Closed
Deceptive Sales Practices by Car Dealership
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 20 Nov 2018
Poll closed on: 16 Sep 2021
Voters: 115
Total RHUCoin awarded: 745 RHU
Status: Closed
Stiffed landlord vs. Michael J. Mondin
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 20 Nov 2018
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 173
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,015 RHU
Status: Closed
What is the best restaurant in Miami?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 12 Nov 2018
Poll closed on: 18 May 2021
Voters: 190
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,140 RHU
Status: Closed
If someone sends an object that looks like a bomb which is actually harmless is it a crime or protected expression of free speech?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 29 Oct 2018
Poll closed on: 16 Sep 2021
Voters: 239
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,405 RHU
Status: Closed
EP vs. Suttle Motors, Newport News, VA
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 08 Oct 2018
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 147
Total RHUCoin awarded: 735 RHU
Status: Closed
Which cryptocurrency will perform best in 2019?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 05 Sep 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Aug 2020
Voters: 358
Total RHUCoin awarded: 4,335 RHU
Status: Closed
Should Starbucks coffee shops be equally open and accessible to non-paying customers?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 04 Sep 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 291
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,635 RHU
Status: Closed
Monsanto’s $289 million Roundup verdict
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 16 Aug 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 236
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,450 RHU
Status: Closed
What will be the future of ICOs?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 10 Aug 2018
Poll closed on: 06 Jan 2021
Voters: 242
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,350 RHU
Status: Closed
NYC vs. Ridesharing Apps (Uber, Lyft, etc.)
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 09 Aug 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 243
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,555 RHU
Status: Closed
Should Harley-Davidson motorcycles be made overseas?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 27 Jul 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 391
Total RHUCoin awarded: 2,215 RHU
Status: Closed
Connected cars, disconnected repair shops?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 26 Jul 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Nov 2023
Voters: 291
Total RHUCoin awarded: 1,705 RHU
Status: Closed
Should illegal aliens be allowed to vote in U.S. elections?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 24 Jul 2018
Poll closed on: 31 Aug 2018
Voters: 288
Total RHUCoin awarded: 3,645 RHU
Status: Closed
Taken for a ride by Uber
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 27 Jun 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Aug 2020
Voters: 393
Total RHUCoin awarded: 4,295 RHU
Status: Closed
Guest vs. Hyatt Place Louisville East
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 21 Jun 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Aug 2020
Voters: 355
Total RHUCoin awarded: 3,485 RHU
Status: Closed
Customer vs. Stack Creations, Bangalore, India
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 14 Jun 2018
Poll closed on: 17 Aug 2020
Voters: 365
Total RHUCoin awarded: 4,830 RHU
Status: Closed
Claimant vs. Testarossa Motors, League City, Texas
Voting Results:
View case on PeopleClaim
Poll opened: 05 Jun 2018
Poll closed on: 05 Jul 2018
Voters: 352
Total RHUCoin awarded: 3,445 RHU
Status: Closed
Should cryptocurrency be regulated as a security?
Voting Results:
Poll opened: 27 Apr 2018
Poll closed on: 05 Jun 2018
Voters: 1547
Total RHUCoin awarded: 24,515 RHU
Status: Closed

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