
Get the collective wisdom of people who know

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Engage 1,000s of industry insiders, legal experts, and public jurors from the Rhubarb community.
How it works
  1. Choose an option above to get a legal or technical answer, a consensus prediction, or a Public Fairness AssessmentTM (PFA) of a dispute or controversy.
  2. Choose your jury. Invite member groups by industry expertise (law, healthcare, auto mechanics, etc.), or members of the general public. Jury size can scale from hundreds to thousands of participants, depending on the case.
  3. Offer a crypto-reward. You can use RHUCoin or other cryptocurrencies to create incentive rewards for greater network participation.
  4. Get an informed consensus. Rhubarb helps you make decisions by harnessing the wisdom of large numbers of public and/or expert jurors.
It’s easy!
Request a consensus verdict
  • Get a consensus answer to a technical or legal question
  • Get a consensus prediction to a future event or outcome
  • Get the public's opinion on any dispute or controversy
  • Resolve a dispute – without lawyers
Invite your jury
Choose from industry insiders, legal professionals, other RHUCoin holders, and members of the public
Offer a crypto donation
  • Incentivize jurors to participate on your topic or case.
  • Jurists receive crypto rewards when they vote with the winning consensus.
  • Enlist an advocate to represent your side.

Buy RHUCoin at current price: 1 RHU = $0.10

Earn it. Vote in 3 other juries and qualify to start your own.

Offer a donation
  • Incentivize jurors to participate on your topic or case.
  • Jurists receive crypto rewards when they vote with the winning consensus.
  • Enlist an advocate to represent your side.

Donate in cash $10 (coming soon)

Donate in RHUCoin - Vote in 3 other juries and qualify to start your own.

Donate in cryptocurrency (coming soon)

Use your consensus verdict to solve real problems

Discover the best answer to any question.

Arbitrate to settle a dispute with any business or counterparty.

Put up any topic or controversy for a Public Fairness Assessment.

Try it.

Current issues seeking consensus
Click any issue below to see which jury groups fit you. Help by voting in three cases and qualify to post your own.
Refer 5 friends. Get five of your friends to vote—you'll have enough RHUCoin credits to get your own consensus verdict.
What does it cost?
  • Donate 50 RHUCoin to launch your own jury vote. Don’t have RHUCoin? No problem. Help 3 other community members by voting in their juries and qualify to start your own. It’s easy; each case takes about three minutes. Choose any of the cases above, or view more active cases.
  • You can also add RHUCoin to increase engagement or time-to-consensus on your topic.

    Purchase additional RHUCoin at today’s price: 1 RHU = $0.10

  • Win bonus RHUCoin when your vote is part of the winning consensus. Note the consensus bonus amounts on cases listed above and all other active cases.
How do I get RHUCoin?
Put any issue out for vote

The new way to get better answers, resolutions, predictions, and more

Try it

Invite thousands of RHUCoin holders to vote

Choose from industry insiders, legal professionals, other RHUCoin holders, and members of the public

Offer a crypto incentive

Buy it—or earn it
(Get your consensus verdict FREE when you vote in 3 other juries.)

Get your verdict

Question or prediction: Answered—by consensus

Dispute: Settled—by consensus

How informed consensus can help solve complex problems
  • Arbitrate a dispute. Request a Public Fairness AssessmentTM (PFA) to settle any dispute or controversy. Invite the other side to settle based on the collective opinion of informed legal or industry insiders—or invite the public to choose the fairest resolution.
  • Get fast consensus-based answers to technical or legal questions by polling groups of people with related experience and insight.
  • Get a prediction on a future event or outcome from informed people in any industry or demographic

Important – Read before proceeding: Rhubarb provides a user platform for consensus answers / opinion from the public, industry experts, and community on a wide range of topics, including how to resolve disputes and answers to legal, technical, and other questions.

You understand and agree that nothing communicated on the site constitutes legal or professional advice, including all user posting, advocate suggestions, and consensus votes. Posting by legal and industry professionals is not professional advice and does not imply or constitute a legal, professional, or other fiduciary relationship between any of the participating parties.

Rhubarb and its members do not provide legal or professional advice or services. We are not a legal referral service. Rhubarb is not responsible for the accuracy of information posted on its site by members. Users are strongly advised to seek independent professional counsel before making decisions regarding cases or topics posted at Rhubarb.

You further agree to these and all other Terms of Use, and to hold Rhubarb harmless for your use of its services or for any decisions you may make based on its content or any content you post, including voting, suggestions, comments, or other content; and for mechanical or data failures, hacks, or other technical or critical features of the site.